The pipeline newsfeed is where changes within a pipeline are tracked and logged in Streak. At any given time, you can view the last 50 changes made to a pipeline within the pipeline view. If you'd like to view the entire history of the pipeline since it was created, you can export the entire newsfeed.
These changes can vary in detail: from the creation or deletion of a column in the pipeline to the addition of details to an individual box.
Opening the newsfeed inside the pipeline view
The newsfeed can be accessed from the pipeline's toolbar, under the 3-dot menu. Once opened, the newsfeed is split into two categories:
When looking at the All option, you'll see every change made to individual boxes (e.g. multiple entries per box, regardless of importance). The Important option pars that down to a single entry per box:
Exporting the entire newsfeed
Streak also gives you the option to export the newsfeed of a pipeline to a Google Sheet or CSV file. This export allows you to peer beyond the previous fifty changes and see the complete history of your pipeline from the date of creation.
You can export the entire newsfeed via the Export button from the 3-dot menu:
From the export window, you can select all newsfeed events from all time:
By default, it will automatically select the most comment newsfeed events. However, you can also choose to export from a specific time frame and filter for only certain newsfeed events.
Understanding the newsfeed events
Here is a breakdown of all the most common newsfeed events and when they occur:
Event Name | Description |
Add Comment | When a comment is added to a box. |
Add Contact | When a contact is added to a box. |
Add File | When a file is added to a box. |
Add Meeting | When a meeting note or call log is added to a box. |
Add Task | When a task is added to a box. |
Delete Box | When a box is deleted from the pipeline. |
Edit Stage | When a box moves from one stage to another. |
New Box | When a box is created. |
Add Linked Box | When a box is linked to another box. |
Assign To | When a box is assigned to a team member. |
Edit Task Due Date | When the due date of a task is updated. |
Edit Task Status | When a task is updated to completed or not completed. |
Task Assign To | When a task is assigned to a team member. |
Task Unassign From | When a task is unassigned by a team member. |