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Merge or delete a team

Looking to migrate your data into a single team?

Weston avatar
Written by Weston
Updated over a week ago

The option to merge teams is unavailable in Streak's interface at the moment. We're happy to help you do this from our end, though! Just send us a message!

What will I need to merge my teams?

If you're the owner of all teams: you're good to go! If another account owns one of these teams, though, we will need verification from that account before proceeding. 

A simple email confirmation that account is the fastest and easiest way to get this done.

Why merge teams?

Pipelines and associated boxes belong to individual teams. Having a singular team makes it easier to share your pipelines with your coworkers. Another benefit is the ability to move boxes between pipelines.

Will I lose any data?

Data loss when merging teams is minimal. All contacts, assignees, and threads are all preserved between teams when we merge them together. 

Can I delete a team?

Teams can only be merged at this time. The merging process requires that one team be absorbed into another, which is similar to deletion, but involves no data loss on your part. 

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