Streak offers a number of built-in Reports that can analyze the health of your Pipelines. We'll show you stats on how your Pipeline has evolved over time so you can quickly assess your Team's performance and identify trends.
Several default Reports are already built for you, such as how many new Boxes have been created, how many stage changes were performed, which team member has been the most active, and many more. These reports can be customized by time range, Team members and other attributes.
Pipeline Reports Dashboard
Each Pipeline will have its own set of Reports. Start off by clicking the Reports button from the More menu at the top of the Pipeline you would like to analyze.
We'll start you off by asking a little bit of information on your specific business
We've organized Reports into two categories: Pipeline Reports and Sales Reports
Pipeline Reports:
Boxes by Stage - Displays the number of Boxes in each stage of your Pipeline. View all or filter by Assigned To user
Boxes by Person - Displays the number of Boxes "Assigned To"each user. View all Boxes in or filter by specific Stage(s)
Boxes by Column - Displays a breakdown of values within a specific column. View all Boxes or filter by "Assigned To" user and/or Stage
Time in Stage for Boxes - Calculates average length of time Boxes spend in each stage.
Stage Entrances and Exits - Calculates number of Boxes that entered or exited a stage during a given time period.
Stage Flow - Shows the movement of Boxes between stages over a given time period.
Saved View Report - Shows the data as filtered and grouped by a given Saved View
Total Interactions - Shows the number of interactions (emails, call logs, and meeting notes) that occurred during a given time period
Boxes Created - total Boxes created
Interactions Summary - Summarizes the interactions added to Boxes during the given time period. Filter by user, time, or type of interaction (Emails, Call Log, Meeting Notes)
Interactions Summary by Boxes - Shows the number of Boxes in which interactions (Emails, Call Log, Meeting Notes) occurred during a given time period
Boxes Created by Time - shows the number of Boxes created by each person during the selected time period
Sales Reports:
Value by Person - Calculates the total value of Boxes Assigned To each user.
Value in Pipeline by Stage - Shows the amount of value in each stage of the pipeline for Boxes created during a given period.
Total Value in Pipeline - Calculates total value of Boxes in Pipeline. View all boxes or filter by stage
Boxes Won - Shows the number of Boxes moved to the "Win" stage during a given time period.
Value Won - shows the value of the Boxes moved to the "Win" stage during a given time period.
Total Value in Pipeline over Time - Calculates total value of Boxes in pipeline as it has changed over time
Value Won by Time - shows the value of the Boxes moved to the "Win" stage per the selected interval of a given time period
Projected Close Value - Shows the projected closed value during a given date period based on the close dates from the selected "Expected Close Date"column
Close Rate - Calculates the percentage of Boxes won out of all the Boxes
Close Rate in Value - Calculates the percentage of closed value moved to the "Win" stage, broken down per user, during a given time period.
Configuring Your Reports
Once you find the Reports that excite you, you can begin to customize your Reports dashboard to best suit your needs:
Select which charts to add
Add multiple charts of the same type
Drag and drop charts to reorder and customize your view