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View all of your tasks in the sidebar

Timothy Hudson avatar
Written by Timothy Hudson
Updated over a week ago

Tasks can live in many different boxes. As a solution for keeping track of them, Upcoming shows your tasks from all boxes in a single view, sorted by due date. You can access Upcoming from the Gmail sidebar while viewing an email, box, or pipeline.

Based on keywords and context, each task gives you the option to:

  • Mark them complete 

  • Act on them

  • Change their due date

Filtering tasks

Upcoming can be filtered so you can focus on tasks for a specific pipeline, tasks assigned to other teammates, or even completed tasks.

Actions and keywords

We suggest appropriate actions based on keywords in the text of the task. The actions are enriched with data from contacts also in the box.

The keywords that Upcoming will look at are:

  • Call – including "call" in a task will create a prompt to dial the number

  • Email – including "email" will create a prompt that opens a new compose window (auto-filling both box and contact for that email)

  • Schedule – including "schedule" creates a prompt for Event that, when opened, will create a new Google Calendar event with the contact automatically added as a guest.

Using a keyword like Reach out or Follow up will create prompts for all options available: call, email, and schedule (based on what contact information is available in Streak). 

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