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Streak for Slack integration

How to use the Streak for Slack app

Brita Ulf avatar
Written by Brita Ulf
Updated over a week ago

A deeply integrated experience in Slack makes it easy to get box notifications and update your pipelines using interactive modals within Slack. 

Install the Streak for Slack integration in Slack's App Directory.

Access Streak with slash commands

Once you install the Streak app in your Slack channels, begin using the integration by typing slash commands into Slack. Streak slash commands all begin with /streak .

View a menu of Streak options using the /streak help  command.


Set up notifications in your Slack channels to get alerts when a box changes stages, tasks are due, and more.

Configure notifications

Access your current notifications settings and see all of your pipeline subscriptions with the  /streak notifications command.

Use /streak notifications on [your_pipeline_name] command to initially set up notifications for a particular pipeline.

Search and update boxes

Search for a box to add context to your Slack conversations or make updates directly from your Slack channels. Once you find a box, use the search results modal to view details and make edits.

Search for your boxes

Use the /streak search [your_box_name] command to locate boxes in your pipeline.

Update boxes details using interactive modals

After using the /streak search  command to find your box, change the stage or reassign a box to a teammate using the drop-down options for Change Stage or Re-assign

Click Show Details in the search results modal to edit box details and view the box newsfeed. 

In the box details view, click Edit Fields to edit the pipeline columns for that box. Edits you make in Slack will be reflected in your Streak pipelines.

Create tasks and send comments to Streak

Sometimes a conversation in Slack results in action items or important points that you want to add to a box.

Schedule a followup Reminder

Click Followup Reminder in the search results modal to schedule a general followup reminder in Streak. Use the calendar icon to select a due date for your followup reminder. 

Send comments and tasks to streak

Post Slack messages as comments in a box newsfeed, or turn them into tasks and set a due date to make sure your action items don’t slip through the cracks. 

To add a message to Streak:

  1. Hover over the Slack message and click the three dots for More actions.

  2. Select Send to a box in the drop-down menu.

  3. Search for a box in the pop-up modal.

  4. Choose whether to post as a comment or a task.

  5. Edit the comment or task text as necessary.

  6. Click Create Comment.

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